Thanks for stopping by!

Hello, and welcome to my little corner of the internet – it is my intention to use this site as a way to catalog and document things, places, and events of interest to me that you might also be interested in.

As the name of this blog (N2VIP Blog) implies, I am a licensed Amateur Radio operator, I earned my Technician license around 1997 and have since upgraded to Extra class license in January of 2015. I’m presently employed (part-time) at a retail amateur radio store in Plano, TX, and am also active in several area clubs. I am currently (Dec. 2017) the President of the Irving Amateur Radio Club, and the Secretary of the Dallas Amateur Radio Club both are located in the Dallas-Fort Worth region of Texas, my adoptive home since the summer of 2014.

Working in the field, I am exposed to new “toys” all the time, and while the temptation is to buy them all and take them home, that just isn’t practical. Don’t get me wrong, I buy my fair share of new items, but my income and living situation prevent me from getting all I’d like to. (Hi Hi) From time to time I’ll likely post things that look like reviews, but they should be considered more a document describing my interactions with the item in question.

Living in an H.O.A. (home in a neighborhood with a Home Owner’s Association) and having a hobby like Amateur Radio makes for a constant struggle to find a good compromise antenna that doesn’t draw the attention of my neighbors and the H.O.A., but also allows me to “play radio.”

I’ve created specific pages for Radios, Antennas, and Computers – those are the big three interests of mineĀ at the present time. Look for me to update this fairly regularly, as I am, in part, planning on saving interesting items I find along the way, but where I used to collect open tabs in my web browser, be it on my cellphone or a desktop computer, it is my intention to instead save the link as a post here.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you like what you find, and if there’s ever something you’d like me to look into, please, don’t hesitate to ask.


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